
ChatPal | Text to Speech Converter

Convert Text to Speech online, for free.

How to use ChatPal?

  1. Click the Mic button. You might see a permission dialog appear. Ensure you grant permission to allow microphone access.
  2. Once permission is granted, begin speaking your message.
  3. After you've spoken, click the animated wave button to process your speech.
  4. Wait for the audio response.
Local Data, Global Access
Experience the power of end-to-end models where all your data stays with you. ChatPal ensures your information is stored locally, offering you global accessibility without compromising on privacy or security.
Works Anywhere
Operates effortlessly across all platforms whether you're on Windows, Mac, Linux, or using a mobile device. It supports all major browsers, allowing you to upload files and convert them into your desired format from anywhere, anytime.
Privacy Guaranteed
We understand the value you place on security and privacy. Therefore, we commit to protecting your conversations with top-tier 256-bit SSL encryption and ensure they are deleted automatically after a short period for your peace of mind.

Speak Freely, Live Easily.

Experience natural and engaging voice interactions with AI.

Start Chatting

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ChatPal?

ChatPal is an AI-driven speech-to-speech chatbot and communication tool designed to work seamlessly across all browsers, including mobile phones and tablets, without the need for registration or login.

Is my privacy protected when using ChatPal?

Absolutely. ChatPal does not require any login or registration, meaning no personal information is collected for account purposes. Your interactions are processed in real-time with strong encryption to ensure your privacy.

What data does ChatPal collect?

ChatPal collects minimal data necessary for the functionality of the service, such as usage metrics and audio input for communication. All data is handled anonymously to protect user privacy.

How can I give feedback or suggest features?

We welcome all feedback and feature suggestions. You can submit them through our website's contact form or directly via the app interface if available.